Zojirushi Water Boiler Review


An electric hot water boiler is one of those appliances many people never even consider.  However, since buying our Zojirushi water boiler almost 10 years ago this has become an appliance we can not live without.

Hot water boilers are a device that allows you instant access to boiling hot water.  Basically, it replaces having to boil water in a kettle on the stove.

This is definitely an appliance that falls in the category of convenience, not necessity.  However, if you are a regular coffee or tea drinker, it starts to fall into the can’t live without category.

It appears that hot water boilers are a common appliance in Asia.  Being in San Diego we have a large group of Asian friends who turned us on to these appliances.  They also turned us on to the Zojirushi brand.

Zojirushi is a Japanese appliance maker that is noted for there extremely high-quality products that are easy to use.  For the past decade we have owned a Zojirushi water boiler, a Zojirushi rice cooker and a Zojirushi bread machine.  They all perform as well as the day we bought them.

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The Zojirushi water boiler is incredibly simple to use.  Simply pour water in the container and set it to one of our four temperatures, 140, 175, 195, or 208 degrees.  When you need hot water you simply press a button and it is dispensed.

The Zojirushi water boiler is designed to sit on your kitchen counter for when you need hot water.  It comes with safety features including an unlock button and automatic shut-off when the water level is low.  A clear window lets you see the water level.  The only thing you need to do is add more water when needed.

Zojirushi water boiler

There are several size Zojirushi water boilers.  Our is 3.0 liters which seems the most common.  That is about 100 ounces which for us is plenty.

Our model is the Zojirushi CD-WBC30.  As mentioned, we have owned this for years and it appears the similar model is now the CD-WCC30.  The list price is $170 so this is not a cheap appliance.  However, the unit receives stellar reviews and we will pay extra for a high-quality product that will last a long time.

A water boiler is a fairly unique appliance, but it is something that really comes in handy.  It is amazing how often you need access to hot water.  Our kids use it on a regular basis to make soup, ramen, oatmeal and hot chocolate.

I admit we are only familiar with the Zojirushi brand.  However, it seems to be the most highly rated and we vouch for it.  Tiger is another Japanese brand that gets high marks.  Pricing seems to be similar to the Zojirushi.


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