Top 10 Board Games for 2 Players
At Fun Diego Family we love board games. Our library of games numbers into the hundreds. This is our list of the top 10 board games for 2 players.
During the COVID-19 stay-at-home order, board games are a great way to pass the time. In developing this list we focused on games that are best when played by just 2 players.
This top 10 list is in the order of least complex to most complex. However, most of these games are fairly simple to learn and have a short play time. The last game on the list is the only notable exception.
We tried to find games that are likely to be available at a reasonable price during the spring/summer of 2020. Unfortunately, we had many favorite games that did not make the list because they are currently out of print.
It should be noted that board games are printed in small runs and go in and out of stock on a frequent basis. If a game is out of print it can still be found, but often at an exorbitant price. Sales will also popup that can significantly reduce the price.
For more 2 player games check out our list of top 10 board games for 2 to 4 players. These games work well with 2 players but can also accommodate up to 4 players.

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Lost Cities
Lost Cities is a quick card game that is simple as it can get. There is a deck of 65 cards in five colors. Each color has numbers 1 to 10 and three multiplier cards. Players are trying to play cards from their hands in ascending order from 1 to 10. The catch is if the numbers in any color do not add up to 20 the player loses points for that color.
Lost Cities has a high luck component. However, the game can be played in about 10 minutes. Over multiple sessions the luck should even out and the best player will tend to win the most games.
This simple game is very attractive. It comes with plastic figures, colorful cards and building pieces you add to the board. An individual game is likely to only take about 5 minutes so it is a game you will tend to play multiple times in one sitting.
At its heart, Santorini is a chess-like game where you are trying to move your player to the top of a building while also blocking your opponent. The addition of God powers allow players to alter the basic rules.
Santorini is a great game for kids because it plays quick and is attractive. However, it is also an intense strategy game that can be very competitive.
Patchwork will remind many people of the video game Tetris. Players buy pieces of fabric that are in Tetris like shapes. These pieces then must be fitted on the player’s board to build a custom quilt. The challenge is to build a quilt that earns the most points.
Patchwork takes longer than Lost Cities or Santorini but can still be played in about half an hour. The first few play sessions can be frustrating as pieces don’t seem to match the way you like. However, this game becomes addicting as you try and puzzle out a solution. The layout changes every time, so it remains fresh after dozens of plays.
Mr. Jack in New York City
The Mr. Jack series is the first example of several asymmetric games on this list. Asymmetric games are where there is a major difference between the roles for each player. In many cases one player has a major advantage over another player.
In the Mr. Jack games, one player is a detective and the other player is the murderer, Mr. Jack. Mr. Jack is based on Jack the Ripper who terrorized London in the late 1800s. The original game was set in London. Our version, Mr. Jack in New York City, is a sequel set after the killer has escaped to New York.
The detective player wins by identifying Mr. Jack from eight potential suspects. Mr. Jack controls the movements of the suspects, one of which is Mr. Jack. Mr Jack wins by escaping from New York.
Despite each character having unique abilities, this game is not too difficult to learn and can be played in 15 minutes or so. Around the age of 10 my daughter would ask to play Mr. Jack over and over. It is easy to play two games with each player taking a turn as Mr. Jack and the detective.
One thing common for this type of game is that it is not balanced. The detective wins significantly more than Mr. Jack. However, this also makes it a great game for kids to play with adults. Kids playing as the detective can present a real challenge for an adult.
I have actually heard that the original London version was even harder for Mr. Jack. There is also a portable pocket version which we have yet to try.
Watergate is another asymmetric game. In this case one player takes the role of President Nixon and the other player is trying to impeach Nixon by connecting the evidence link to the president.
This is an example of a card driven strategy game. Each player has their own unique deck of cards. Each card represents a character or event from the Watergate era. Players take turns playing cards, each with their own unique ability.
The most complicated game on our list, Twilight Struggle, was my first introduction to this type of game. Watergate is a much shorter and less complicated game with the same mechanic. In the first month of owning Watergate we played it more than first ten years of owning Twilight Struggle.
The beauty of Watergate is that it plays than less than half an hour but provides a lot of choices. In our first six games Nixon was impeached every time. However, with more play the sides became more balanced.
Memoir 44
Memoir 44 is a war game system with multiple expansions. In the base game we own one side takes the role of the Germans/Axis and the other side represents the Allies.
The beauty of this system is that for each game you setup a specific map. The game has a two-sided board and comes with 15 historic scenarios surrounding the Allied invasion of France in 1944. With each scenario the map is set up with specific terrain features (villages, forests, rivers, bridges etc), obstacles (bunkers, wire, hedgehogs) and units (infantry, tanks and artillery).
This is also an asymmetric game and it changes with each scenario. Some scenarios are more balanced than others.
There are all kinds of expansions that add more maps, scenarios, units like airplanes and other features. So far we have been happy with the base game which we have enjoyed for years.
Innovation is a seemingly simple civilization building card game. The entire game is a deck of cards that represent ten ages from prehistory to the information age. You start with cards from the prehistoric age and build up an engine that will advance you to the information age. Basically the first player to the information age wins.
The game is simple to learn but complex to play. Each card has unique powers that can often combine with the powers of other cards. This is another half-hour game that you want to play again to try and figure out a better strategy.
There are a bunch of expansions for Innovation. Right now we only have the base game, but may look to get some expansions.
Innovation should cost $20 or less. It is basically just two deck of cards. The recommended playing age is listed as 13 plus and that is probably accurate. I have only played this game with other adults as it doesn’t seem to interest my teenage kids.
Marvel Dice Masters
Marvel Dice Masters is a collectible card game. This is where you buy booster packs in the hope of getting more powerful cards and dice. However, the good news is that you can buy Dice Masters in starter sets that provide a full experience.
In Marvel Dice Masters each player builds a team of characters from the Marvel Universe. Each character is represented by a unique card and a set of dice. The cards provide unique powers, but the dice do the heavy lifting of battling.
This is a pretty complex game rated for ages 14+. However, my son has been playing since he was 10 with no issue. We bought two starter sets for about $10 each (Age of Ultron). Recently we added the more comprehensive Avengers starter set for about $25.
There are all kinds of versions of this game that include add-on characters and additional abilities. It is at this point where the game starts to get pretty complex. There are advanced rules for building your own decks and competing in tournaments.
Overall I like Marvel Dice Masters a lot because it has a low initial cost and you can expand as you see fit. This is another quick game that will play different each time based on what characters you choose to play with.
Race for the Galaxy
Race for the Galaxy is technically for 2 to 4 players. However, we have only played it with two-players. This is a card game where players try to build the best galactic civilization using cards.
Each turn players select one of seven action cards. The catch is both players get to perform each selected action. However, the player who selected the action gets a bonus which varies for each action.
Race for the Galaxy is a fairly quick game but it takes a long time to learn both the mechanics and the strategies. There are all kinds of things going on and the cards have unique symbols which take some time to learn. This is a competitive game that is best played over and over with the same partner. Once again a game I have yet to play with anyone under 18.
Twilight Struggle
Twilight Struggle is by far the most complicated game on this list. However, it is one of the most highly ranked games of all-time on BoardGameGeek.
This asymmetric game represents the events of the Cold War with one side playing the U.S.S.R. and the other side playing the U.S. Each player has their own unique cards they can play in multiple ways. Each card has a specific event from the Cold War, but also can be played for various points or other features.
The game has a thick rule book and takes several hours to play. I bought the game around 2007 in a version that came with a cheap cardboard map and components. The game was so popular it was reprinted with a solid board and thick counters.
So far I have not sprung for the new version. This is because it is hard to find anyone who will play Twilight Struggle with me. As mentioned, Watergate has a very similar mechanic but is much less complex and plays in well under an hour.
However, I think Twilight Struggle is an excellent strategy game. It would also make a great game for teaching history to high school or college students. I imagine myself one day in a retirement home hopefully playing games like Twilight Struggle.